Jackson Hole Real Estate Buyers South of Jackson Enjoy Happy Medium
South of Jackson could pride itself as the Jackson Hole happy medium. Jackson Hole real estate buyers feel lucky here about their ultimate location only a few minutes drive from all Jackson Hole services. It provides both affordability and convenience. As more people recognize this, prices increase in Jackson Hole real estate, evidenced in the market spike over the past few years. Also take into consideration that affordability is relative in Jackson Hole.
From the time of development this stretch of major subdivisions has been like a gold rush region for families and full-time residents – Rafter J in the late-1970s, Cottonwood in the mid-1980s, and Melody Ranch and Indian Trails in the mid-1990s. Jackson Hole real estate buyers like the combination of convenience, quiet, and value. Cottonwood and Indian Trails are about a mile south of Jackson, while Rafter J is 3 miles, and Melody Ranch is 5 miles.
Step out of funky and independent Jackson. These new-ish Jackson Hole real estate developments have homeowners’ associations. They are planned sites with relatively similar appearances, although not cookie cutter. Expect manicured lawns, modern, window-laden homes, log and wood trim and some decks and hot tubs when purchasing Jackson Hole real estate in the area.

The older areas of Rafter J and Cottonwood have mature trees while Indian Trails and Melody have wispy youthful starters. Lot sizes in each area are proportionate to home size. Rafter J homes average 2,000 square feet, with slightly larger places at Melody Ranch and Indian Trails. Cottonwood has the smallest and most densely arranged living scenario.
Paintings of the area – minus the subdivisions – hang in local galleries and coffee shops. Heading south of town on Highway 189 yields incredible views of the Tetons, the Snake River Range and traditional ranches. This backdrop inspires bad driving for those who “ooh” and “aah,” necks craned to the west. An extensive bike path undulates along the highway, intersecting the turn off to each of these subdivisions. Neighborhood parks might include tennis courts and water features to add to the appeal.
Cottonwood and Indian Trails are a short walk from the elementary, middle and high schools. On the open fields of these sports facilities, soccer and baseball parents spend countless summer hours in foldable chairs and the community gathers for events like the July 4th Music in the Hole. Smith’s grocery store, its sister wine shop and a host of other businesses form a plaza at the intersection of High School Road and Highway 189. You could technically avoid the town of Jackson for weeks if you live south of town. //